Wednesday, March 12, 2008

More Health News

Well. The medical community is frustrating the mess out of me. Let me indulge.

Tue, 3/4--I take Asher to the doc, she says he's just stuffy, it'll run it's course

Fri, 3/7--Asher starts coughing frequently so I take him back in. This time the doc diagnoses him with RSV. I officially begin to freak. We give him the nebi 3X a day, nothing changes. Mon, 3/11--Asher goes to a new clinic, I want a second opinion. I finally see a doc who runs numerous tests and actually takes time to look him over thoroughly. Asher DOES NOT have RSV!!!! He may have allergies, asthma or at the worst, cystic fibrosis. He is prescribed a steroid.

So now a week has gone by and we still have no answers but my faith is moving in the right direction. Asher is full of life and energy and fun and yes, still phlegm, but he is vital. I am certain that the Lord has his health in mind, Asher is worth more than many sparrows. Please continue to keep him in your prayers, thank you all for the love and support that you have brought as incense before the Lord.

1 things you had to say:

never said...

Asher is in His hands! Praise God that he made such a beautiful creature such as Asher!! He wove together all his parts, He made him with extra special care! We thank God for Asher! Oh sweet baby, we pray God clears up your lungs and heals anything that may be trying to rise against you!!

Stand strong and steadfast Momma, you r prayers cover him, and protect him, and are so beautiful. Asher's value is far above rubies and pearls!!!

Go Asher!!! You rock kiddo!!