Saturday, March 15, 2008


I never knew that there was so very much that can go wrong in parenting, no wonder this world is brimming in abundance with hurting, empty, confused people. Corey and I are taking a 12 week parenting class called "Growing Kids God's Way" and I just attended my first GEMS meeting (Godly Encouragement for Moms) and I am just blown away by how much insight the Bible really has for developing the inner most parts of children. My deepest, most gut wrenching desire is for Asher not only to be a "good" person, but to shed a light in the darkness most others see. I want him to learn to make right choices not just when I'm around, but even when no one else is watching. It's daunting to think that I have been given this lofty responsibility, that together Corey and I are at the helm of a ship that will either forge through uncertain territory, or sink at the faintest hint of trouble; that Asher's ability to make wise decisions, to love allgenuinely, will rest predominantly on us. I don't want him to feel condemned to embrace only those around him who are like minded, the same color, with the same philosophies, as unfortunately can be the norm in Christian communities. I don't want him to feel the need to fight his fellow man because they oppose his beliefs, for God created ALL people, and he said that they are all good. My dream is that he will accept and relish in the enormous differences among the masses, that he, through an intense and unrelenting acceptance and love, would win many over for Christ. My thoughts linger on Deut. 6:6. That the commands given to us are to be upon our hearts, we are required to impress them upon our children not as forced mandates but because they are an intrinsic part of our daily living. That responsibility is huge, and I can't help but doubt my own nature, my own inability to live to the level of godliness and morality to which I am called. And yet, I remind myself, I can do ALL things through Him who gives me strength.

1 things you had to say:

never said...

i've got to talk with you about this! Sounds amazing!