Monday, August 18, 2008


This morning I got up at 445am. I nursed Asher, put him back to bed, put on my running gear. It was dark and muggy and so silent. After my run, after Corey left for work, I sat outside to just feel the rain. It was magic for just those few minutes with the hum of cars nearby and the quiet drops dancing around. Sitting under an awning I let the insignificant deluge fall on my legs and shoes and just felt so wrapped up in the wonder of it. As the sun increased its height the sky all it's darkness was over taken, becoming azure and golden all at once. There is so much beauty when we taken just an extra moment to relax and look around, I don't want the memories of me to be etched in scenes of busyness and stress. I want people to remember that I loved, I laughed, I dreamed and hugged and took special moments just to fall in love with the pocket of nature all around despite the city. The most prominent memories of mommy in Asher's mind must not be of me fretting over dishes or laundry or Lord knows what else-I want him to remember that I lived life to the full and never looked back...

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