Well, after 6 months of failed attempts, today I finally got Asher and I approved for WIC. It's not particularly easy admitting that we need the help, but I know that's what is best for my family. In fact, I speak publicly about it here because it's good for my pride and my ego to just be real with the friends and family I hold so dear whom I know read this often (though they rarely comment ;). First we had too much money in the bank for Medicaid, then I got denied CHIPS because they said we didn't have enough money for it and that we would instead receive Medicaid. What a mess. We also have been denied food stamps twice, despite the fact that I make very little as a nanny in the grand scheme of things and that Corey, while we get large deposits from his school, is in reality bringing us increasingly larger negative "income." Why do I have to fight with the government about whether or not a school loan counts as wealth? Why am I so quick to get denied help for one short year when we plan to contribute to society in excess when Corey actually starts getting a pay check? It's all been very frustrating, but I know that God has a plan to prosper us if only my sinful heart can remain steadfast and patient. He is our Provider and he alone will see us through as he always has, abundantly so.
4 years ago
2 things you had to say:
That’s wonderful Jen, couldn’t think of a more deserving family. I truly admire the three of you!
So, I heard also that soon the WIC vouchers are going to be on the LoneStar EBT card instead of paper form. At least that will be streamlined, in theory. :)
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