It's been awhile, I promise I'll be better.
Yesterday Asher turned 1, I can't believe it. So much has changed in the last year, but sadly so much is still the same. I think I have this passion living deep inside me to change the world some how, I have this list of good intentions, but some how I manage to never follow through. Know that in writing this, I am not doing so out of woe or in some act of searching for sympathy; I am realizing more every year how much there is to do in the world and I need to start doing it.
Ghandi said "You must be the change you want to see in the world." We, the Daniels family, are making very small steps toward this, but we ARE moving forward. I hope that a year from now you will read this and know that at some point in our journey we let go of our comfort and just leapt. I'm still waiting to find out the direction, the mode, the means in which we are meant to move.
I know most of you probably come here for updates and pictures of Asher more so than my random rantings, and I have tons to share. I will try to post a little every week or every few days to get you all caught up, he's doing so much now, he's such a precious joy in all his capriciousness. He is a very passionate child and not shy about showing it. I hope he never loses that.