Thursday, February 28, 2008
From the Mind of J-Momma at 8:56 PM 1 things you had to say
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Somewhere inside all of us is this aching for beauty, this desire to see, feel, experience, even create something gut wrenchingly beautiful. Some days I find myself searching it out in the ordinary, hoping to find a unique touch of it in the way the sun filters through the leaves on a tree or in catching some one commit an act of kindness, wanting nothing in return. Yet lately I've been choked by the beauty I get to see everyday, in Asher's soulful eyes. The way he looks at me, the gently whispered "goo" and "gee" when we're rocking together, even the full throttled yell he uses to let me know he's awake and hungry...these are every day extraordinary. I thank God daily that he has allowed me to be a part of something so perfect, and that these tiny fingers and toes and smiles and giggles are all entwined with who I am. I can't fathom anything more beautiful.
From the Mind of J-Momma at 9:25 AM 1 things you had to say
Friday, February 22, 2008
The day is fast approaching when we will find out where we will live out the next 7 years or so of our lives. Corey is an MS3 (3rd year medical student) who is currently rotating in various specialties, and around this time next year he will "match," determining where we will end up. This is really the first place I've lived where I have a handful of deep and personal friendships, I just can't fathom giving those up, but alas it is unavoidable. I love this town, the people I've grown to love, the jobs I've worked, it is disheartening to think of leaving, so I will push it to the back of my mind until the day is near.
From the Mind of J-Momma at 11:19 AM 1 things you had to say
There was a time in life when we were all overjoyed by the simple things...
From the Mind of J-Momma at 9:09 AM 0 things you had to say
Saturday, February 16, 2008
From the Mind of J-Momma at 2:29 PM 0 things you had to say
Friday, February 15, 2008
grin and bear it...
I'm new to this mommy gig. I'm new to this blog business, I suppose that's why they seem to go hand in hand at this point. As a nanny as well as a mommy I find myself relishing adult conversation, somehow these written words on the screen filled the void without the notion of trying to say all the right things when you're talking to an actual adult. Sometimes I am amazed that I'm actually considered an adult, my thought process really is pretty juvenile.
So today, sitting in a dimly lit room pushing a rocking chair with Asher nursing peacefully in my lap, I looked down to see his big blue eyes staring up at me, and then, a smile. In that one moment my heart landed somewhere outside of me. It's priceless moments like these that make all the spit up I clean out of my hair so, very, worth it.
From the Mind of J-Momma at 3:55 PM 1 things you had to say